Saturday, August 03, 2002

Thousands of jumbo squid wash ashore, making creepy seal-like noises as they were dying.
"The thing that weirds me out about the squid is that they have humanlike eyeballs," Clif Williams said.
I'm afraid I have to agree with the gentleman from Bloomington: That the America people shall be set free only under tyranny. That is why I love George W. Bush and Co., Inc., Ltd. It is in times without freedom and liberty when one realizes what freedom and liberty truly are. I can only imagine the horrors of an I, Al Gore administration; Populist rhetoric with no viable substance. Now is a great time to be alive because we are now all employees of the United States of Big Business.
And it warms my heart to see an entire news channel dedicated to publicly defending of the Bush administration (Fox News); that is the mark of a terrible - by terrible I mean good, like Michael Jackson meant Bad - leader. Only a 24 hour news channel and the conservative-dominated radio talk shows around the U.S. can awaken our mighty passions. And not just our passions for flag-waving, firearms, religion, and fear (because what red-blooded American does not love those), but also our passions for flag-burning, peace, atheism, and love.
Republican administrations are great. They teach us all how to scrape by on non-livable wages under the constant threat of war, death and suppressed civil liberties. Better teachers I have never had. If the Democrats would have won lawsuit for the Presidency, I may have remained under the illusion that the Democrats were the party of the people and the Clinton Years were rosy and great. I may have never realized that the Democrats have sold out to big business long ago to compete with the Republicans. Without Bush what would I have to rail against? Thank you, W, and I love you and your sexy wife and daughters.
This is why I think every American should watch Phil Donahue's bleeding heart leftist liberal talk show Donahue on MSNBC every night at 7 P.M. Central Standard Time while flipping the channel to Bill O'Reilly's religious centrist moralizing O'Reilly Factor every few minutes.

God bless America, O Lord enlighten us, crop circle makers beware my vengeful God, for He is just.
(and according to W's foreign policy the rest of the world, our allies and our enemies, can just suck it. And those in America who are not rich or part of a corporation can suck it too.)
I'm sorry to say, but when I took Inner Child test, I revealed to the world that I am indeed a baby killer. The question was:
Would you rather kill a baby or yourself?
- a helpless baby
- yourself
I checked "a helpless baby." I ask you world, which would you have checked?
Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics - from Isaac Asimov's novel I, Robot.
1) A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm;
2) A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders conflict with the First Law; and
3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Friday, August 02, 2002

The Dead Robot. I wasn't but 15 years ago that every family would have in their beloved possesion a wonderful robot. A robot that would love, care, and clean up after every family member. What happened? I will tell you what happened my friends: America has lost its faith in technology. The robot has been replaced with AI - artificial intelligence. Atrificial intelligence? An oxymoron if I ever heard of one. Americans have always been the leaders lately - the past 1,000 years for sure - in developing new and exciting technological advances. The whole world - and universe dare I say? - have been dumfounded and amazed at what the American people have created for the great of Mankind. Lately, however, a cynisism has strangled the American phyche. Americans have become afraid of the future. They fear that an AI will takeover in next 200 years or so has taken hold. Movies like Terminater 2, the Matrix,. and any other crappy sci-fi movie of late have strangled any positive percepton of what our great future could bring about.. It's our imagination - our collective imaginations- that mold and create the future. If we remain cynical and distrustful of new technologies, the greater tommorow will remain a figmant of the past. We must imaginge a greater tommorow before we shed the cynicisms of our past. My conclusion: A party of liberaterians cannot and will not lead us to a greater and better tommorow. Therfore, the libertarien party is the choice of years to come. The last option for America is now. We need not a government that meddles in any last one of our affairs.

The rewriting of history is an intriguing subjuct, for sure. I have the power in this blog to rewrite anyone eles's postings. So What? Does this bother the gentlemen from Springfield Il.? Is the gentlemen from Springfield actually accusing me of Stalinism? Just because I choose to edit the comments made by a select few? Does my power to edit my colleque's writings put me in the same class as Joe Stalin? The answer to that question is YES. That's is something seriously wonderful to conider. And as far as Komanecky's libelous claims that Dr. Prasad has "bamboozled" him out of thousands of dollars by saving him for the horrible affects of his debilitating allergies, I say: Hooray.
An idle brain is the devil's workshop

I hope when school starts during the last week of August that I become distracted enough with my jobs and homework that I forget all about these activist issues. The People vs. Big Bussiness with the honorable G. Cash Money presiding. You may be seated.

How long has this struggle been going on? I recall images of enlightened industrialists building transcontinental railroads, great logging enterprises, and vast mining operations scraping mountaintops into moonscapes. And now that we have a true blue robber baron in the White House it seems that big business has the upper hand in the fight against the environment, the workers, and communities.

But very soon I'll be too busy to be involved in these issues, getting my "education" -- more like job training. And when I spend all those hours at work, including all the hours at home recovering from the workday, I'll have little time indeed to think creatively or to think about the values that matter to me. I suppose that is what the attraction to becoming an Anarchist. Spending all of your free time railing against capitalism and being pissed off. Free time. What an oxymoron.
If I may, I would like to disagree with the gentleman from Bloomington that I am an ass-face. And I would also like to ask Mr. Mann if he would not rewrite history - a la Stalin, Hitler, and the Church of Scientology - or make other people's weblog posts bold.
My time has expired.
Bane of the Bourgeois

Immunotherapy is a dead end. I have been recieving allergy shots for years now, and I have spent thousands of dollars, all for the slim chance that the desensitization to allergens might work with my body chemistry. But what are the long term effects? It is clear that 2 or 3 years after immunotherapy shots are concluded the allergy symptoms return. But does the desensitization process weaken immunity to allergens later in life?

Allergies are horrible, but I'm feeling a little burned after giving Dr. Prasad several thousand dollars for immunotherapy injections. The problem lies in the fact that there is no cure for asthma or allergies
I should stop complaining. At least I don't have cancer or AIDS or any truly terrifying disease.

Medicine is more of an art than a science. The paint is blood and the canvas is the human body.

According to Gregg Mitman, professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, allergies became more prominent after 1860, and were thought to be a scourge on the upper class. He is studying the connections between chronic allergies and the rise of the urban industrial environment.

Thursday, August 01, 2002

Hi folks, this is Mann again. I feel I should apologize for the comments I made an hour ago about the liberaterian party. I cannot truthfully recall ever hearing any member of libertarian party say, "die my darling," - that was actually Glen Danzig - nor have i ever heard a libertarian say "Queer punks fuck off." Those were baseless accusations made out of spite, directed towards an all-together charming politcal party. If I could turn back time and edit all of that, you know I would. There's nothing that would hold me back.

Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Mike Mann and I am a cop. I am in charge of keeping this site clean. If i find any content or ideas on this website that I do not agree with, I have the power to edit, alter, deconstruct, highlight, italicize, smear, and / or berate. As far as I know, no one can do anything about it either. mmmmm.

See what I did to Matt Komanecky's post on the 29th of July? The bold print that follows? That was me. That's power slappo. POWER
Hi folks. This is Mann and I've got something to say today.

It seems that lately people in our society have been getting a little high minded. They all of a sudden have "grown-Up," and began to say phrases like "die my darling," and "querr punks fuck off!"

Let me ask you reader, what is so intelligent about this new class of people? What the hell am I talking about you ask? I'm talking about the libertarians. I like to call them the de-libertarians, partly because they are new to the politcal world, and I don't understand what they are all about. I've been told that they are similar to Republicans, but they are not a bunch of assholes. Sounds like a pretty empty party to me. What would the replublicans be if they weren't a buch of a-holes. What would they stand for? A Brighter and Better Tommorrow? Enough.... I'm finished.


Monday, July 29, 2002

I highly recommend taking this short free personality test from the Enneagram Institute to discover your personality type. Not that you need to take a personality test, you along with everybody else in the free world knows you're a complete ass face.
Here is a letter from prison to Mother.

Sunday, July 28, 2002

I just took the World's Smallest Political Quiz and the results came back that I was Libertarian. Either I'm in denial, don't understand politics enough, or have just been manipulated to believe that I'm a Libertarian.

Wily Beavers if ever there were ones.
What sickness have I unleashed unto the web? It is like watching Lucifer being cast out of heaven. I want to weep.

Thank you Mr. Bright for the dissertation on the miracle of beaver digestive track.


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...