Friday, August 02, 2002

Bane of the Bourgeois

Immunotherapy is a dead end. I have been recieving allergy shots for years now, and I have spent thousands of dollars, all for the slim chance that the desensitization to allergens might work with my body chemistry. But what are the long term effects? It is clear that 2 or 3 years after immunotherapy shots are concluded the allergy symptoms return. But does the desensitization process weaken immunity to allergens later in life?

Allergies are horrible, but I'm feeling a little burned after giving Dr. Prasad several thousand dollars for immunotherapy injections. The problem lies in the fact that there is no cure for asthma or allergies
I should stop complaining. At least I don't have cancer or AIDS or any truly terrifying disease.

Medicine is more of an art than a science. The paint is blood and the canvas is the human body.

According to Gregg Mitman, professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, allergies became more prominent after 1860, and were thought to be a scourge on the upper class. He is studying the connections between chronic allergies and the rise of the urban industrial environment.

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