Friday, January 24, 2003

Our work here is done.
I am everywhere and nowhere

I can taste colors

Stay off the acid Matt.
We are all living inside of each other. Radio, television, and the Internet have destroyed the physical boundaries between our minds.

The next time you listen to the radio, know that what you are hearing is inside you.

When you watch TV next, feel those other characters and talking heads jostling for a foothold in your brain.

As you read my words off the Internet, say hello to my presence inside your body.

Everyone lives inside everyone else these days. The world is no longer what it used to be.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

the white stripes were on the local "rock station" tonight. "dead leaves on the dirty ground" the dj was doing a vote between the stipes' song and some angry aggro-metal head-fuck band. the stripes won. the dick dj said he was suprised the stripes won. me too. still, he (the dj) pissed me off, because he acted like the stripes song was shit.

anyway, hearing the stripes on a bloomington station completely rejuvunated me. i was depressed all night. i guess that's what angy aggro-metal head fuck songs does to a man.
i feel you Matt. i've never understood the difference between and stong safety and a free safety.
a quote from the White Stripes (or possibly Citizen Kane): "it's easy to make a lot of money, all you gotta do is want to make a lot of money."
They predicted the Bucs weren't going to be great for another couple of year under Gruden. Other then those goofy looking uniforms, they're looking pretty good now.
Go football team! (I never watched football. I don't understand it - too complicated.)
Brian and I are having a raging e-mail debate at the moment. Maybe I'll post it, cause it is great stuff. I'll have to get his permission first.
Matt marched for Stalin. Way to go dumbass. Now you're never going to get a real job.

There's been a lot of editorials linking the anti-war, anti-WTO protesters to Stalinism, and the Communist Party. I would agree that there is a Communist threat out there, but I don't believe it manifested itslef at the DC or Seattle protests. Matt, did you ever cash in a check by the Communist Workers World Party for protesting? Who paid for the gas to get you out to DC? Who bought your bottled water while you were out there?

How much money does it take to sponsor a voluntary march, and who really cares where it came from?

I don't hate anybody. I am full of love and light.

Until Brian called me a pinko. He wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: bwanless
Sent: 1/23/03 10:16 AM
Subject: you pinko

"The marches in Washington and San Francisco were chiefly sponsored, as was last October’s antiwar march in Washington, by a group the Times chose to call in its only passing reference "the activist group International Answer." International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) is a front group for the communist Workers World Party. The Workers World Party is, literally, a Stalinist organization."

Don't get suckered by the Left or the Right, I say. They have both been infiltrated by the CIA. "Liberal" news outlets like The Nation and NPR are thoroughly censored to keep out any information regarding critisicm on corporate power and Big oil. The Right owns FOX news and the majority of Talk radio.

There is no Liberal bias in the media either; Not since Nixon was President. The media is tightly controlled. The Telecommunications Act of 1996, signed by Bill Clinton, has helped to consolidate media power into fewer hands. "Diversity" of programming is bullshit. Whether you watch CNN or Fox news, you still won't get the full truth.
On Media Giantism
Ultra Concentrated Media

These petty squabbles are meant to keep the American people divided and fighting amongst themselves while the thieves quietly steal our freedoms, money, and dignity.

George Bush is a globalist traitor, and so is Bill Clinton. I refuse to play the game of "My side is right, yours is wrong." They are all in on it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

You wanna know what really pisses me off? It is people who say they hate stupid people. It's kind of like saying, "I hate likeable people." Well no it's nothing like that, but I think you get the point.

And then you got those people who hate arrogant people. And the people that don't like stupid people again. Who are all these people and why are they so full of hatred.

I think it's our President. What would Ari say if a reporter asked if the President hated stupid people.

Personally I enjoy the company of stupid people. I consider myself pretty stupid sometimes, and just being around other stupid people makes me splendidly happy.
I just finished surfing through a few of the hundreds of thousands of blogs that are out there. What a bunch of pompous windbags! One blogger at The Daily Pundit states that he came up with the term "Blogosphere." WHO CARES!

(Oh no. Now I am officially a blogger if I have sunk so low as to complain about other bloggers. I shall mark this sad day on my calendar.)

Oh, and apparently it is cool to have a Paypal donations button to give worthless losers who rant in cyberspace money.

[I'll split the money with all my fellow wily beavers.]

Monday, January 20, 2003

are you ready for the suburu? the house? the family? Those are the things we need to find out.
Mike, Your pancreas is very opinionated.


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...