Friday, September 05, 2003

I don't think I will vote for this guy. He looks like he could be a violent drunk.
Joe, you have my vote...
Have a beaver weekend friends.. i'm up to my ass in homework... Procrastination gets you nowhere.

Vote Joe!

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

exerpt from

This may have been the governor’s first year attending the Illinois State Fair, but he did learn to love pork.

Illinois Governor Blagojevich condemned the funding of the pet projects of legislative members while on the campaign trail. Now that he is in office, things are different.

As reported by the Tribune's Christi Parsons, Blagojevich has approved approximately $140 million in project requests. Most of it has gone to House and Senate Democrats, or for the governor's own priorities. Some lucky Republicans who went along with the governor's programs got a piece. But there has been an emphasis on political spending, not fairness or value.

One special project that didn’t get a piece of this $140 Million is the White Hills clean up project

Make no mistake, this was politically motivated pork. Consider the so-called White Hills in Downstate Livingston County. The hills are actually piles of gypsum left behind by an abandoned fertilizer factory. The hills feed highly acidic material to surrounding ponds--which have turned a surreal shade of green--and threaten to kill the fish and contaminate the Vermilion River.

Sen. Dan Rutherford (R-Chenoa), who represents the district where the White Hills are located, opposed much of the governor's legislative agenda. So the $1 million state grant that locals were hoping to receive to begin cleaning this toxic site suddenly went puff.

While the governor neglected the health of the water and wildlife in Livingston County he did fund other initiatives for his supporters such as an Opera House in Woodstock IL, a veteran’s memorial in Oswego IL, and the beautification of an intersection in Burbank IL. Livingston County is just where Chicago sends its garbage. Woodstock, Oswego, and Burbank on the other hand are all Chicago suburbs. Of course we aren’t insinuating Governor Daleyojevich would give Chicago preferential treatment.

The people of Illinois don’t have much money to spend during these trying economic times. We depend on the environment for their biggest industry, agriculture. The people of Illinois need clean land to grow their crops. We don’t like Opera and we don’t like Governor Blagojevich’s political punishment and rewards.
Good morning. I needed a good night's sleep after my Labor Day weekend bender.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Thank you for having us, Monica. You have a nice spacious home, and I like the street it's on too.
have a beaver day everyone. I'm off to see the wizard.
I met the neighbors last night.... Matt, you were there. What great kids... too bad they don't know that i Know things about them. It's a shame.
Brian my sleep issues now revolve around sleeping too much. my unsleeping days are over for now.
Matt, Thanks for coming over last night... it was fun... tell eric the same... Josh loved the gift too.
Thanks so much.
I'm running through the fields of joy right now, in my head.

Wee, this is fun.

I can feel the breeze and hear the rustling of the still wet trees.
Ah, the vagories of love. That sucks that you helped her move.

Main Entry: sa·dism
Pronunciation: 'sA-"di-z&m, 'sa-
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Marquis de Sade
Date: 1888
1 : a sexual perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others (as on a love object) -- compare MASOCHISM
2 a : delight in cruelty b : excessive cruelty

What is Dick's picks?

Monday, September 01, 2003

Shit. Sorry. Wrong Blog.
Hey Everybody. What's your favorite Dick's Picks collection?
When I'm bored. Do you still have sleep issues?
do you sleep?
Monica, I'm always online.
brian why were you online and posting at 3:45 in the a.m.?
cool..........i'll give you a call and let you know when i'm ready!!! Is Eric coming?
Monica, we are on for tonight. I'm looking forward to it.

Oh god, boy of the week, That is how I felt most of the time.

Boy of the Week is a good name; nice and nonspecific. It applies to all girls who go through boys like toilet paper, and the stupid boys who let them.

Bianca's Place sounds like a scary cobwebby attic.
Thanks, I needed a new number for prank calls. Just kidding.

I got a prank call tonight. They left two messages but I couldn't understand what they were saying so I checked the caller ID and called them back. They used the same crazy voice and I berated them on the usage of such voice. After giving them a tip they said they'd leave me alone. I really didn't care and my only regret is the poor job they did.

The number they called from was 622-8882 so feel free to prank them whoever they are. I'm too lazy to look through my phone numbers to see if I know them and who it was. It was my home phone so it may have been a random tromp through the phone book.

Sunday, August 31, 2003

My new phone number for every beaver is 217-789-1679. This is a home number but i'm probably still better reached on my cell @ 652-6328
maybe we should make boy of the week Bianca's place?
tomorrow? you gonna bring over some beers and check out my new digs?
She knows, she knows. But does she read it? She is coming over to drop a one of my shirts. This ought to be weird.


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...