Thursday, September 05, 2002

patience Matt.
Thank you friends, that is precisely what is wrong. I found some sites, like (this site give dub too much credit for being a world leader) and (Religious politcal doomsaying), that have completely fucked my brain with paranoid delusions of sinister world governments and mormon 911 prophesies. I will now only try to focus on what is important, and what is real; like Beavers.

Also, does anyone know where I can get a Lou Dobbs Moneyline t-shirt? I'll bet you didn't know Lou has a great interest in space. It's true. Hey, my middle name is Louis. Shorten that to Lou...yes! We even have the same name! I wonder if Lou Dobbs will adopt me. I miss my dad. He looked kind of like Lou Dobbs.

Here is the results of a Lou Dobbs Moneyline QuickVote online poll I took at CNN.
Do you believe Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has or is about to acquire weapons of mass destruction that he will use against the United States?
Yes 31%
No 69%

Operation Ending Our Freedom continues...What is that buzzing in my ears? Conform...Conform...Conform...Conform...Conform...Conform...Conform...
Stop it! Stop!
Conform...Conform...Conform...AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH (I think it is time for a blog intervention. Somebody please stop me from blogging. I'm addicted. I need help.)

Hi my name is Matt and I'm a blogaholic. I started blogging in July 2002. I did it to put my thoughts out onto the Internet. Sort of like an online diary. I wanted an electronic copy of my thoughts. My penmenship is atrocious. So I made a weblog. I thought it was cool at first, and it was free. Then they started to charge me for removing ads. I started to steal then. I visited friend's houses and took socks out of there sock drawer, coasters off their coffee table, even half-eaten sandwiches. I was delusional. I thought stealing would make all my problems go away. They didn't.

I knew I was blogging too much when I stopped visiting my favorite porn sites. "They'll always be there," I thought. "I don't have a problem with not looking at naked women (and sometimes a naked hairy man ass)." I was wrong. Not looking at soft-core pornographic pictures is unhealthy.

I'm doing the twelve steps now.

1. I have admitted I am powerless over blogging - that my life has become unmanageable.

2. I have come to believe that a Power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.

3. I have made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understand Him.

4. I have made a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself. (I'm stuck at this step.)

One day at a time.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Wow! I just read a great book about elephants.

Hey Matt, I think your problem is that your paying way too much attention to politics lately. Don't worry about the government. They screw everything up with or without your help. Paying attention to politics is similar too watching too many soaps at one time.

I suggest you take some time off and read some fantasy literature. That should ground you back to reality for a while.
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.

I have been wanting to get that off my chest for a few days now. Shit Fuck.

As far as the Wily Beaver cares, the culture of man can do whatever it pleases. Just leave some fresh water, some big trees, and some green grass and the Wily Beaver will be happy. A simple lodge, to build and to love, is his primary concern. And maybe a Mrs. Beaver, too.

Blogs. Psh. I call them Blaaahgs. I got your editorial journalism right here. I got your fancy substantive personality right here. I got your social commentary and insightful news too. Ok, I don't have that.
No, you have not said that before. But you will be saying it in the future.
Reading this blog is like watching Momento... did I say that before?

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

I saw a beaver reading the bible once.

I also once saw a cat reading the bible, but then I realized he was only looking at the pictures.

And then I realized that the bible doesn't have pictures, and that the cat was actually writing a story about elephants.

Monday, September 02, 2002

I'm depressed. I'm depressed because my spiritual advisor is an atheist. How am I supposed to transcend the eternal battles that wage on this earth between the powers of light and darkness, good and evil, when my religious teachers don't even believe in God?

My lack of faith is disturbing.

Spirituality is not about God, really. It is about how you live your life, the principles you stand for. Spirituality has to do with how you approach your existence as a human...or a beaver.

Beavers have an innate sense of spirit, sense of self, sence of consciousness. Beavers have the benefit of not having large brains so that there intellect doesn't get in the way between them and their creator. Let's face it: beavers are the superior species.

Sunday, September 01, 2002

"You know very well that whether you are on page one or page thirty depends on whether they fear you. It's as simple as that."
Richard Nixon, Philosopher

He who says it cannot be done should get out of the way of the one who is doing it.
Chinese Proverb

For more great quotes visit LaborNet's Labor Quotes Page.


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...