Thursday, August 05, 2004

I do not like green acres theme song. So I'll turn the volume off.

Happy note: I just saw a beaver cross the road on my way back to campus from Nick's Italian Restaurant! I swear to G-d it was a beaver. He was so fat and cute. Can it be? Why was he crossing the road?

I thought I saw a beaver at the Washington Park, but it turned out it was some other wet rodent, larger than a rat but smaller than the Wily Beaver I saw cross the road between LLCC and UIS. Now that Washington Park has that land reclamation project going, more animals have places to live and hide, especially in the tall weeds and grass by the pond.
I just got up from a good six hours of zloading. I had one two many last night. I was talking to Ebon Moore (sp?) about relationships and girls. It turns out he is a hopeless idealistic romantic like myself.

What a fool.

For those who are new to the blog, which is all of you because since we change our names so much, noone knows anyone, I am Matt. Some people like to point out the fact that I'm short. I like to point out the fact that a pretty 20-something is playing with my hair in front of them. That shuts 'em up.

Also, it is summer, what is left of it, which is a time many young lords and ladies "hook up," to use the vernacular.

um... I'm running out of things to talk about. HIPPO!

Actually, I have a lot to say, especially to that Kim girl. My first question would be, "What are you kidding me?"

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I think we change our names more then we actually post.

I think that's what makes our blog special.

Alas, I also don't know who the fuck any of you are any more.

"f koopa troopas" up in this blog bitch.
Hands up - who likes Me.


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...