Friday, March 07, 2003

Only rock and roll can save us. (Do we even need saving?)

Oh dear God, get me out of this hell called work.

da da, da dee dee da daa, da dee de daa da, da dee deee da da da!

Thursday, March 06, 2003

I think the second one was stupider, because I wet my pants.
brian , it's okay. thanks though. I made it through the night pretty easily. I was there for 11 hours and they flew by
Sorry Mon, I don't read this everyday.

My stupid discussion board is keeping me busy. Take a look at the crap people post there sometime

Some idiot has a freakin tampon comic he won't let die and other stupid BS.
that's okay.. I know who my real friends are. I appreciate all the outpouring of support. :-)
Matt, I hope your mom gets better soon.
Looks like we beavers left Monica up to swing in the breeze. My mom is having a meltdown right now. She's learning that she has no control over events in this world.

I found a good college Internet radio station. The white-boy punk/ska version of Snoop Dogg's "Gin and Juice" won me over.

LISTEN LIVE RIGHT NOW! to K-Beach. Student-run internet-only radio playing a variety of music from Urban to Alternative for more from California State University - Long Beach.

If you don't like that station, try one of these Internet radio stations from around the world on Internet Radio Index.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

i am requesting that any beaver that wants to be kind and help me to have a great night at work, call and say hello or stop in and say hello.... i am embarking on an 11 hour work night.
Joe, that's classic. I like that answer. The second movie is mo betta cuz they don't have to introduce the characters. You already know who everyone is and it just sails right along. One part I really enjoyed in the second part was getting to see the home of the Weasley family. I only wish they would have shown more of it.
Not with that attitude.
Matt , It's about time.. it's gonna be out on video in april. Geez. Have all of the other Beavers seen it yet?
I think Monica has me beat. I did see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets last night. That was fun.
Brian, Good luck with the name change.
I think that in fact it is I that had the greatest day. No explanations right now, but Matt, I'm feelin it .... that pleasurable experience you speak of ... Isn't it lovely?

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Life sucks. Why can't I change my name?
I had the greatest day today. I feel the pleasure of being alive and not being a cyborg. I have chemicals streaming through my physical body, neurons pulsing through my chip (Internet) body, and my astral body is everwhere at once. It is very pleasurable experience.

The Five Bodies!
Beavers, I have a question for all of you... Who had the greatest day?
It is not in my power to change people's names.
Get well soon, Joe. Hope you get some days off to recover.
But Matt, I thought the Colonel was all knowing and all doing? You can't do Brian one simple favor?
Have a great day Beavers.

Monday, March 03, 2003

Brian, you have to change you name yourself to PimpBot 5000, I can't do it for you.

Pronunciation: -'ä-tik
Variant(s): or se·mi·ot·ics /-tiks/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural semiotics
Etymology: Greek sEmeiOtikos observant of signs, from sEmeiousthai to interpret signs, from sEmeion sign, from sEma sign
Date: 1880
: a general philosophical theory of signs and symbols that deals especially with their function in both artificially constructed and natural languages and comprises syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics
- semiotic adjective
- se·mi·o·ti·cian /-&-'ti-sh&n/ noun
- se·mi·ot·i·cist /-'ä-t&-sist/ noun

Read Marshall Mcluhan. I'm currently reading Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. I'm in the chapter on media "hot" and "cold."
We have to put the magnifying spyglass back to the mixed-corporate media beast. Otherwise it will keep using us (human beings and our drama) as content. We are more than the content that is acted out daily in the Android Meme. The media uses us now purely as content now, nothing more. It is a living, organic machine that eats our dramas and replays them back to us in a satirical way.

Holy shit, I watched a great movie about the Kennedy assasination and conspircies called "Winter Kills," put out in 1979. Brilliantly written and acted. See also, The Manchurian Candidate.

And, Hillary and Bill are making sure that the democratic candidates are pathetic and weak so they fail against the horribly performing Furor Bush. This places Hillary and Bill in a position to "save" the democratic party for Hillary's eventual Presidency. Remember also, that the Bushes and the Clintons are good friends and agree on most issues, but the media wants you to believe otherwise.

The Colonel Signing off

Sunday, March 02, 2003

What was I doing in the women's restroom: anything I can do behind locked doors.


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...