Friday, October 07, 2005

yeah , I forgot my username. So that's where I've been.

any ass way. listen to new danger doom. he's with danger mouse and the characters form adult swim.

FUcking HIlarious
Winners of the "I Look Like My Dog" Contest
Pop Culture Jones is clearly busy with "The new girl". How long do they have to date before she joins our blog?

If she doesn't join, should we perform an intervention for Jonesy? Don't tell me she's too good for blogging.
Oh god. Just the mention of her name makes me tired. The last time I saw her on MTV she had these collegen filled fake lips. Not cool.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What happens when you take acid and you are suicidally depressed?


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...