Friday, August 27, 2004

Kim did get Howard Dean's autograph last night. She made him screech first.
Ok kids. Daddy's home. Time to clean up this blog.

You! Update those hyperlinks and watch the language!

I'm loving the invitation to see the Passion! I've had a brutal week so I should be able to identify with all of the flogging and bloodiness that guy endured.

I remember I told the secretary at the chiropratic office that I felt like Jesus on the cross after going through 15 minutes of traction. She said, "But he died for our sins." She missed my point completely. I suffered so completely and willingly that eventually I achieved a state of grace. Plebeians. Don't they teach them anything at Westside Christian Church?

Thursday, August 26, 2004

I've been watching Baby Einstein DVD's with my newphew.

I now know how to say: "this blog needs and enema" in Russian, Hewbrew, French, Spanish, English, German, and Japanese.

Is it just me or does it appear as if Matt K. and "little pink socks" have dated in the past. The rhetoric between those two suggests a failed and frightening romance.

I've never know Matt to be too pre-occupied with his "thing", unless what you mean by "thing" is his hairdresser.
I am down with The Passion. Will their be tequilla served, or should I bring some passion punch? And who else is coming?
You must watch a in depth session of weird latvian church pr0n to get the answer.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Mike and Mattie-----
If you are interested (this includes Eric too) I am inviting you over (oh my god......... ) to our place Saturday evening for a Pre-Street date screening of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST
provided you are interested.

Approximate start time 8:00 pm

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

is there anybody out there who can give me the rundown on who all of the beavers are.
For instance : who is mike seaver?
Who are you people?

wedgies... now those are sweet. I would prefer a wedgie over a noogie anyday.

welcom new Beaver.... whoever you are.
No, SHE is dancing with her old friend, the raptor!
There are no robots in God's Kingdom. I do love the symbolism of the heroic woman fighting the velocoraptors. What are the dinosaurs a metaphor for?
We are all vying for the most popular, and the most Bitchy, but who is the Wilyest Beaver of them all?


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...