Saturday, November 06, 2004

Randi Rhodes was doing a story on this Black Box Voting controversy - during wich she was pre-empted for a speech by Dick Cheney bragging about how he carried his home state. That's clear channel.
Read me:
Voting without auditing. (Are we insane?)
Here's something: If (and when) you cheat on your girlfriend, it is important to take a shower after the act takes place. And while in the shower do not use any soap or shampoo, and definitely do not wash your ass.

If you come home smelling like another women your busted; if you come home smelling like Irish Spring your also busted. Leave your pits and butt unswashed, so that you come home smelling like you didn't just have sex with someone else.

Now back to your regularly scheduled posts.

Friday, November 05, 2004

The Cardinal's hitting coach quit due to his problems with alchohalism. I can't think of a more fitting end to this baseball season.

Back to politics: I think Randi Rhodes would be a much more attractive canidate for office then Hillary Clinton.

I still trying to come up with a brother she can run with though. Obama is too white and young.
Joe: Call it a hunch, but I would go with the blue state teams. They gotta win something.
LPS: A. What's a dry f@*%? B. Do you find my posts as confusing as I find yours? C. Wanna screw?

Yes Matt you are a masochist and you've been one for a very long time. Komanecky: quit touching yourself. I don't pay taxes for you to feel yourself.

America will not elect Hillary Clinton and Obama it too white. We need some straight up brothers to run for president.
I've got inspiration for my next Halloween costume! I want to be a fancy-pants Lord like Protestant Prince William of Orange.

I'll strut around and say in casual, snooty tones, "Kill them. Kill them all."

Also, I would be a hit doubling as the "Blue boy" from the famous 1770 painting
by Thomas Gainsborough.

Kim's moving into her new place today. Hooray for Kimmie! Send your housewarming gifts to Fifth Street.
It is critical that I resist the urge to put my hand in my pants while in front of the computer at work. It is a physical, unconscious reflex to touch myself when I'm alone. You see, the bosses and the secretary are all in a meeting right now, and Mark and Kalpana are not in today, and it is a slow Friday, so my hand is going south.

The problem is: I sit in front of a window. Kalpana tells me that she always looks to see what I'm doing as she drives by, and I know Monica too has looked in and honked. But I'm oblivious to the outside. They can see in but I can't see out?

Ok, bloggers, I'm going back to "work" -- Meaning back to reading the prolific and dense "Architecture of Modern Political Power".

And for more expansive, yet equally informative research, I like browsing Wikipedia (With both hands above board, of course.).
At some point and time there has got to be some dissent in this Republican Mandated Government we've elected.

It's just the way things work.

It's like a beautiful girl throwing a party and only invited 100 guys. I've been at that party and it's doesn't work. Also, Bush is not a beautiful girl.

This Republican Party can't last. The host is a born again dry drunk.

I see you've cleaned out my closet Joe. Thanks. I needed the room cuz I'm moving back in!! Boo Yah Shi Cha!

Thanks for everybody supporting me during those three gay days. It really helped me out. Can you imagine being gay for a whole year, or even a lifetime? Those people really have it hard.
All the leaves are brown.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Channell surfer

2 important points:

- No change until 2008. Kim is right to focus on getting Clinton/Obama elected in '08. Until then, the Empire remains strong. "The leadership of both choices is old-energy leadership. They're cut of the same cloth. Understand that it's appropriate for the larger plan that your time line will remain this way. Again, do not despair. Instead, send light to your leadership, no matter who it turns out to be."

- Armageddon was cancelled. Israel and the middle east "was the spark that was to create Armageddon at about your 1998 to 2001 time frame. It's written in prophecy in many places over hundreds of years by many priests." "...after the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, which was then celebrated by the 11:11 in 1992, things started changing on the planet. Very, very quickly after 1987, the geopolitical structure crumbled around some of the governments that were scheduled to be principal players in the prophesied Armageddon."

The End Times' Christian and Muslim crowd are going to be quite disappointed. It is unfathomable to them that their 2000 year-old prophecy could change. "BUT IT WAS WRITTEN DOWN, SO IT MUST BE TRUE!" they would say.

CHANNELLING: The Winter of Spirituality

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I'd like to take this time to make a confession.

I'm sure many of you have noticed that I am not quite the person that I portray myself as. As first it was easy to masquerade and hide my true self, but I think it's become more and more obvious in the last couple of months that I'm not fooling anyone. I'd first just like to say how painful it has been hiding this from you all, especially my family. I just hope that when this all comes out that I will still be accepted and loved by my family and friends.

I am a Conservative Republican.

Oh yeah, and I'm gay. And I love Brian Wilson because I think he epitomizes the conservative values that I cherish so much. And I love Brian Wilson because he's got a hard body.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Bowling For Soup - 1985

I've never heard the band, but "seen" their video playing at Target while underwear shopping.

Voting is so fun, I'm going again today!

Monday, November 01, 2004

It hasn't been cut yet, so as of now, in the new Star Wars movie, Yoda is going to fart.

Wouldn't it be nice if Brian Wilson was a musical genius?

Sunday, October 31, 2004

The music of my generation is not only more original the music during the late sixties, but also more enteraining and talented.

liz phair vs jon mitchell?
pixies vs beatles?
slayer vs everybody else?

It's not contest. the x gen wins agains.
And I didn't even mention Jesus Lizard.


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...