Friday, December 12, 2003

Here's another:

Eat my dick!!

No one cares to post on here anymore. I secretly want everyone to leave so I can have it all to myself.

I'm having some serious sleeping problems lately. I get home from work and collapse from exhaustion for 2 hours then I'm up until 12 or 1 and I can't seem to get up in the morning. It really is getting bad.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Here's something profane:

"Your fuck stock is ass prone"
I have new profanity: Christ You!
I'd like to spend some time in you head Matt. I think three seconds would be enough.

I spent some time screaming this morning. I also threw a water bottle, just like they do in the dugouts during baseball games.

Mental gymnastics - discuss.
What is this guy doing? Who drank all of his SOBE energy drink? What does he think is so funny? Isn't wearing a hat in a building considered rude, or is that not applicable since the North won the Civil War? Why am I asking you? Shouldn't I be working? Is my boss behind me right now reading as I type?

Harken is an intransitive verb, dating before 12th century -- usually used with back.
Ok, here is my answer b***h.

To preserve natural resources and maintain environmental health, we need to halt climate change, protect our forests from insensible foresting policies, clean up and maintain a healthy ocean, abandon nuclear power, no more dumping toxic chemicals into the environment, halt genetic engineering of food including cloning, take power away from the WTO, and end war.

How's zat sound? Ask a stupid question...
Is Greenpeace a terrorist organization? I ask because I have to write about "five changes that will have to occur if natural resources are to be preserved and environmental health maintained," and I copied and pasted all my arguments off the Greenpeace website.

I'll go to jail for terrorism, but not for plagerism. I have morals, you know.

Walrus on ice floe


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...