Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I look intensely good today.

I think it's the syphllis.
Packing Heat put up a Hammock in his back yard. It's bitchin. Toltally bitchin.

The new Oasis is about as good a case of syphilis.
Nice story Matt B. Next I think you should chronicle some of the past relationships you've had with half-sisters, female cousins. I'd buy that book.
No, I'm not patronizing you. It's just that you didn't used to blog much, but when you do, your'e writing is superb. Your like our own little David Sedaris. (I don't hear any of you other losers telling stories.)
I want this t-shirt!
Blather - All Your Kitten Belong To Us


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...