Saturday, September 21, 2002

"Meet the new boss --- same as the old boss" : does that also apply to your buddy Jesse the Bod?

Does anyone know if Nader's running in 04'? Can any of the Beavers think of a legitimate reason why he would not make a good President? And how hard could being President of the most powerful Nation be?

I remember getting busted with pot and getting fired from Burger King when I was seventeen. After cleaning out (and mopping the basement) I remember my Mom telling me (paraphrasing of course - I was pretty doped up at the time), "You do realize that you'll never be able to become President now, don't you?"

I learned my lesson. I've very rarely smoked pot since. But I've learned another lesson since: I can still become President. I've got a t-shirt with Uncle Sam on the front with his finger pointed forward saying: "Even you can become President."

I'm not running for President in 04', so why not Nader - second best thing.

In the mean time I plan on trying out to make the NY Mets. Wish me luch Beavers. If I don't make it back, rest assured I am in a happy place.

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