Sunday, September 22, 2002

Thank you for your wisdom Joe, I am looking forward to meeting the new bosses. Or at least getting maced by their goons.

"Then, without warning, Queen Power exploded with all the fury of a gay atomic bomb." I am not going to put this quote into context, because I think it is more profound by itself. However, if you want to find out where it came from, visit GLOBAL Diversity.

Don't tell Mrs. N 5 this, but I cannot have kids because much like Jesse the Body Ventura, I am not a role model. Besides, right now I have to concentrate on winning the big points in DC.

I am not participating in any Anarchist destruction or violence. Why is it that the only thing that makes the "news" is the trite sensational stories of car chases, child-beating moms, and kids breaking windows? Are these the really important issues?

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