Friday, April 11, 2003

Memory is a filter we see our experiences through. It is a part of the inherent doubleness in human nature.

Jan.16/84 (Toronto)

Dobbs: You see, Bob, this whole dimension - nature, the universe - is a spiralling doubleness. We did not create this doubleness - God did. But everything human beings created - what I call Second Nature - includes doubleness, but it's doubleness squared. It's a structure of fourness, but First Nature doesn't have fourness, only doubleness.

Marshall: Can you give me some examples?

Dobbs: The amoeba splits, DNA works with RNA, you've got two eyes, two ears, etc., you look at objects through the filter of memory - doubleness, it never changes in First Nature. But with Second Nature its artifacts' constituents change the structure of other artifacts which in turn respond and alter the original artifacts. Language registers these changes and then we recognize patterns in those changes.


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