Monday, October 07, 2002

Yes, I disagree. When you refer to me, and my lack of oppisition, I assume that your talking about the collective conciousness of America that excercises lack of oppisition on this subject.

Though I am not a real journalist and don't see myself entering that field, I've still been taught to approach problems the same way that a journalist would. Journalists do not engage in protests, they observe them and report on them. That's how America gets its objective information. (I think that is one of the most important points that I'll be bringing up during this discussion.)

That is also how I get information. Once I've gathered a substanstive amount of information, I pinpoint what I think the problem is and ask why people who are responsible for the problem what they plan to do about it. I then I look at the people who are in charge of keeping these institutions in check and see what they're doing about the problem.

It's a simple process. Just because I'm not protesting anything, does not mean I'm part of the problem. If you were watching the news of a protest, and the loudest most spirted protester broke out of the pack with a news mic in his hand and started reporting the news, would you trust what he or she had to say? You shouldn't.

Your "us versus them" soap opera scenerio reminds me of sixties activism. I wasn't around for that crap the first time around, and I don't want to see it surfacing on this issue. I visited the sites that you recommended for some "education" and I couldn't help but notice how they demonized everything the IMF and World bank did, and failed to tackle the issue at a more worldly level. You cannot view the world only in terms of "Global North and Global South." It's an interesting paradigm to consider, but it's too biased to rely on as your sole source of information.

The whole point of this diatribe is to further agrue against the statement, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." I still think that's horseshit. I'm arguing that point and nothing else at this time.

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