Wednesday, August 28, 2002

The Internet is only as filthy as the person using it. Maybe we should get Mike some filtering software.

My dreams lately have taken the form of a network newscast or LIVE reporting. It's like I am watching or participating in events from my day on the evening news.

At the Involvement Expo this afternoon, most student organizations were baking in the hot sun; except the College Republicans, who had there own tent. Sort of fitting that the Campus Greens and the various minority student groups sweated and shielded our eyes while the right wingers kept in the cool shade.

Hey Joe, are you gonna vote for Joe Lanter for County Board? What is your opinion concerning the voting population of our district? Is it mostly Republican? Would the Democrats be willing to vote for a Green if their is no Democratic candidate?

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Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...