Allright. Thank you Mike "The Stapler Menace" Mann. Look for a subpoena in the mail soon because I have gotten 200,000 signitures together from the Blogging community and we are sueing your libelous ass for defamation. Because Goddammit we are making a difference and we have something to say and we are all famous.
Besides, Blogging is exactly like journalism; except without all of the researching and interviewing to slow down the instantaneous communication flow.
And I can't believe you didn't even like the squid article. I mean for Heaven's sake, they have "humanlike eyeballs." Fucking great stuff. THousands of cephalopods washing ashore, screaming as they died. How crazy is that? Nature is full of wonderous beauty.
Why is that Stalin remark not still churning away at your insides? Could it be your inner repressed fascist dictator? It it will make you feel better, please remove any and all comments I have ever made on this website. Hell, rewrite the whole thing for all I care. You can stiffle my mouth but you cannot imprison my spirit.
Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.
Malcolm X, Malcolm X Speaks, 1965
Mike, be a man. Take the freedom God has given you and become the censor your heart yearns for you to be!
On a different note, coming soon to The Wily Beaver is a nine part series titled, "A Lamplady in a Man's World."
Part 1: Introduction, Part 2: The Beginning, Part 3: Wasted Years, Part 4: Murder and Mayhem!, Part 5: The Struggle, Part 6: Sabatage - The Fear of Success, Part 7: Downfall, Part 8: "Give me one more chance, Lord", Part 9: Vigilance Pays the Bills
Stay tuned.
He swims. He gnaws. He builds dams. He moves us with his intelligence and grace. He is the Wily Beaver. And he is here to INTUBATE us all.
Monday, August 05, 2002
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