Monday, April 15, 2024


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as vanilla mixed with a little raspberry. This scent comes from the beaver’s diet of tree bark and leaves. Castoreum is a substance produced by a beaver’s castor sacs. The castor sacs are in the same place as the anal glands of the beaver, at the base of the beaver’s tail.

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

I'll be hosting beaver ball tryouts this afternoon at the pickball courts in Lion's Pride Park. It located directly across the street from the new Hot Dog Station where you can buy one of their tasty Turkey sandwiches after the tryouts! Bring your Beaver flippers and remember: have fun!
Sometime this week a 70 dollar broom was stolen off of the porch of one of our more distinguished beavers. I'm proposing we put together a Beaver Neighborhood Posse Watch to discourage this type of behavior from happening on our big beautiful porches. Strap on your claws, kids. There is an enemy within our mist. The world is and always was a dangerous place for beavers. Now and forever we stand on our two hind legs and fight for what is right.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

There’s a job opening for cereal enthusiast.


Be the bee you want to be!

I called in to work and told them I was tied to my bed, but really I'm just listening to Super Sexy's super sexy spotify playlists. Another beaver day, another beavery adventure.

Hey now

 Cowabunga, Beavers. A 

It's Beaver Time again in America. Today more Beavers will work on their damns build their dens, and post on their blogs than ever before in our country's rich Beaver history. This afternoon 6,500 young beavers and women will be married, and with inflation at less than half two years, they can look forward with confidence to the future. It's morning again in America, and under the leadership of Skinny for Nothing and MK ULTRA our country is prouder and and our Beaver damns are stronger and better. Why would we ever want to return to where we were 3 YEARS AGO?

Tap tap tap

 Is this thing on?

America's 1st Beavers: With Sharp teeth, Exploring fingers, and Inquisitive minds togeather they've forever groped the American Mind and Psyche. They went on to be the Jobs and Gates of their generation (class of 94) minus 62 billion dollars. 30 years and 17,000 beers later they still resemble the wet little beavers of their youth. Today we celebrate these two fiesty men, and celebrate their American Glory.
dad's actually have lots of skin! and some dad's have something called "foreskin." Now that the Wily Beaver is back in action, I feel it's necesssary to remind everyone why we were here in the first place. To celebrate men's skin!

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Skinny 4 Nothing 2025 In Effect Keep the Faith
Hello my dears. I am back. Now, more than ever, you need me. I've been watching all of you these past 100 years and I am not pleased with your apparant lack of progress. I want everyone to focus, and build me a battle station in space. there's a specific planet that I fucking hate. I want it to blow up. Contruct this battle station and equip it with the type of lazer that can completely destroy a planet and all of its inhabitants. In Skinny's Name we Pray. Skinny for Nothing 2024 What's my age again?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Today is Lea the Beav's birthday. I'd call and talk but I can't call and talk cuz my voice is gone from the sickness that has taken over my life.

I'm talking about my sore throat.
Why the hell would brian get the Wily Beaver to post that it's his birthday when nobody ever reads the beav anymore? So pathetic.

Anyway happy birthday asshole.

Sooooo.... here's an update. I'm sick. I've got this wieird tasting phlegm taking over my reperatory system and it's driving me Bananas.

Portland is where I'm from now. I don't got that many friends and I don't got that many things to do and that's fine fine fine by me. I like the grey weather and I like my coffee strong and my beer bitter and my women wet.(it rains a lot here)

my only problem is this city's sense of fashion sense. It's like everywhere you go you're at a sonic youth show. these kids are all a bunch of wardrobe fascists. You go to buffallo exchange and all the men's button up shirts are the same just different colors.

The new tv on the radio is kicking my ass.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Animal scent markings are notorious for smelling terrible. But castoreum is different. It has a musky smell that some people describe as van...