Friday, October 14, 2005

hOLY Crist. Did ju see the 1 wher Trent is pumping his arM? That dude got BIG! Even his head is more muscular. Now he priobably has more energy to complain. As you can see, im tired of spellchecking.

Hi Child Acotr! No I didn't call you... Oh wait, yes I did by accident. I let it ring once and then hung up. Whas up? How's the new life in chanmgapoing? Is school everything you'd hopped itd be? Do you know how much I hat e spellcheking? alot.

this is very liberating not using puncturation too along with not using splel checker.

opps, is used a period and a camma. dammit i didit aagain um

what aelses? I have a neice office on the 4th floor ob Brookens library I can look down and juadge pleplep all day.

QWill you tell Gayle she needs to call me? she sends me an email on if I've had time to work on the brundage scholarship and she doesnt even take the time to include a message in the subject line. how rude. I get a message about blank. Take the time lady to write in the subject line! GOD! her office is off green street above the bookstore. Pls tell her she is lazy too. and I quit.

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