Wednesday, June 29, 2005

How do you like the Yahoo! news? --->

I put a Daily Bible quote is the side bar too.

If you have any cool sites that you think would be interesting to have on our blog, let me know. They must have an RSS feed available, though.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a lightweight XML format designed for sharing headlines and other Web content. I'm pulling the news from Yahoo! News Highest Rated RSS, and the bible quote from ESV Bible RSS Feeds.

Some bloggers simply take a collection of other blogs RSS feeds and post them. For example, you can have an entire blog made up of headlines you collect.

So many blogs offer RSS feeds, but it is hard to find a good blog. Here is a site that lists available feeds. I'll check for a better sites. Surf around a find the millions of other useless blogs that say nothing.

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