Tuesday, April 12, 2005

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Transhuman is a term that refers to an intermediary form between the human and the posthuman.

The etymology of the term "transhuman" goes back to philosopher F. M. Esfandiary who, while teaching new concepts of the human at New School University in 1966, introduced it as shorthand for "transitional human." Calling transhumans the "earliest manifestation of new evolutionary beings," FM argued that signs of transhumanity included protheses, plastic surgery, intensive use of telecommunications, a cosmopolitan outlook and a globetrotting lifestyle, androgyny, mediated reproduction (such as in vitro fertilisation), absence of religious beliefs, and a rejection of traditional family values.

Sounds like the people on this blog.

Eric is protheses; Mike is plastic surgery, Joe is telecommunications, Monica is a cosmopolitan outlook; Margaret is a globetrotting lifestyle; Matt Bright is androgyny; I'm mediated reproduction; Kim is absence of religious beliefs; and Matt Woo is a rejection of traditional family values

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