Monday, February 28, 2005

Still, having us all over for hot chocolate and setting the place on fire does sound fun. It's snowing today: Is tonight good for you?


by Adam Bulger
Sports | 2/19/2003

Q: You've fought over 7,000 fights as a professional wrestler. Is there one fight that stands out?

A: There was a dog collar match between Greg Valentine and myself. The promoters wanted a brutal match that people would keep coming back to see. That sounded good... in principle. And one time? But to do it every night? Never crossed this dumb wrestler's head. I had special collars made up with sheep's wool on the inside, thinking that it would be a little easier on the neck. Greg Valentine and I did this match about 40 times. He had me by the hair and he had his fist wrapped inside the chain and he was wailing on my ear. He was mad at me, not because I was beating him with a chain but because by the 29th match, we both had a rash around our necks from the sheep's wool that looked like herpes.

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