Tuesday, February 15, 2005

In T.H. White's The Once and Future King, he makes a point to say it is the fuedal serfs who are the villians, not the lords, and that they both benefit. And that Arthur was born to end the rule of the gangsters who abused the fuedal system. It was these gangsters who must be wrong, not the system itself.

Also, he mentions that it is always the starving countries that can find the most money for defense. This is interesting and makes me think of North Korea--a prison-state of starving, fearful people, with a gangster with nuclear capabilites heading it up.

And we always turn back to America, the most hungry nation of all. Our bellies are full -- bloated even -- but our appetite is for resources, emotions, entertainment, religion, power, oil, energy, prestige far exceeds the rest of the world.

Those who feel lack are the ones who desire the most. Have you ever dealt with someone who feels like there is never enough? They are insatiable, and nothing ever pleases them for long.

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