Thursday, May 29, 2003

Ok, I went to my mom's house this evening to pick up a package and on the way home I ran into a roadside "safety check". I went home and sent a message to the mayor. This is what it was:

Hon. Mr. Davlin,

I request as a life long resident that there be a stop to the trampeling of our fourth amendment rights in this city. I had the unfortunate expirience of running into one of these roadside "safety checks" and was disgusted with what I saw. I find it no less than harassment and although I had not been selected to participate in the festivities wish I had to give them a piece of my mind. (Probably for the best I didn't. It's not their fault)

I sincerly pray that this community does not use its police force for revenue generating activities as this does not only taint the image of the majority of fine officers out there, but prevents people from visiting here do to harassment they may incur.

Thank you for your time,

Brian Wanless

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