Thursday, April 10, 2003

It is heart-warming to know that though the human spirit is risilient and hopeful, Hollywood will always put out crappy movies. Take Phonebooth for example. The reviewer in the SJ-R today called screenwriter Cohen a B-movie hack, and we all know how much Joel Schumaker sucks for putting nipples on Batman and Robin and teaming up Chris Rock and Anthony Hopkins.

I have an idea for a scene to put into Kindergarten Cop 2. Arnold can take the kids to Hooters since it's the closest restaurant within walking distance of the school that will accomodate 30 kids.
Kindergarten Cop
"Ar yoo enjoying yor chickan vings, children?"

And just when I thought I could have been mistaken about the global cabal planning to install a one world government and religion, I hear that the man the Pentagon is pushing to be the next Iraqi leader is, you guessed it, a banker from a wealthy family who has been in exile from Iraq for years.

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