Saturday, March 01, 2003

I got my Neil Hamburger CD in the mail yesterday morning. He's an awful comedien, but he's pretty damn good at it. My favorite joke so far: "Why did Julia Roberts rub shit all over her vagina? because she was horny ... "

Monica and I talked tonight. She's diggin on some redhead dude with sideburns named Josh.

She's not in love, but she's toltally in love. What is it about the beavers and redheads. I cornerd my little redhead sweetie in the women's bathroom at work tonight, in an attempt to put the moves on her, and she spent 5 minutes listening to her voice mail on her celluar phone. Apparently her Mom calls her 5 times a day. I spent the entire time gazing at the tampon machine, and listening to her Mom's voice mails. That's my life.

Matt Bright. Hey Man, Whaddya think of Kim Morman. She's the redhead that I wanna masticate.

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