Tuesday, December 17, 2002

I'm not sure how she feels about it. I remember her mentioning awhile ago how she wanted another kid, so I'm sure she expected this. And how could she not? That is what happens when you have sexual intercourse. That is where I see the point of some pro-lifers. If you don't want a baby, don't have sex! (I've come to realize that I'm pro-life, but not a fanatic, and I understand the need for abortion in some cases.)
It is like what Brian is always preaching to me when we are drinking - about "people need to take responsiblity for there own actions" and "blah blah blah blah blah blah *burp*".

The lotr premiere is tomorrow Moni, and I am going as Gandalf the Grey.

To say "Thank you" in Portugese, say "Obrigado". In German it is "Danke." French, "Merci." Italian, "Grazie."

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